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We have different folkways that my family and I follow. But before I give examples, I shall first define what folkways mean.


Folkways are the beliefs and the ways of acting and thinking in a specific social group. It states what a member of a social group should do, how they should think and act. It does not have a specific structure but instead, it serves as a means of conduct for a social group's members.


In my family, folkways such as eating together at the dining table even if we're not together, going to our grandparents' house during Christmas and New Year's Day, and kissing our parents at the cheek before departing and as soon as arriving home are what we do.


In the image above, we also follow a very general folkway of wearing boardshorts whenever we go swimming. We feel very comfortable when we wear board shorts whilst swimming because it is not that revealing and it is stylish as well compared to swimming trunks.


One may think that this is a code that people should follow so it shoud be under the law (kind of social norm). However, there is no law, particularly here in the Philippines, stating that wearing proper swim attire is a must. Rules may be set for public swimming pools but not in every swimming pool, particularly private ones. Therefore, it is not a law.

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